The Admiralty

Emma Donohue

The Admiralty was home to the government department in command of the Royal Navy of England. “The chief, or president, of the Admiralty resides here,” noted De Saussure (1902, p. 66). The Board and other directors of the Navy were primarily noblemen who gather daily to work within the Admiralty. It is likely for there to be “many well-known sea-captains and men on business intent” in the building as well (p. 66).

The Admiralty was the first purpose-build business building in Great Britain and was new construction at the time of De Saussure’s walkthrough London in 1725 (Wikipedia). Those in charge of the Admiralty were not very limited by the law or Parliament and they mainly operated in accordance to the desires of the royals (Wikipedia). The Admiralty, multiple expansions later, is still the site of many military offices under the Ministry of Defense (Wikipedia).


De Saussure, Cesar. 1902. A foreign view of England. London. John Murray.


The Department of Admiralty Royal Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

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